Research Projects
CategoryBackground behind Phriends4Shells
The idea of using digital fabrication and more specifically small robots to include in earth construction principles comes from my initial link to CRATerre back in 1999.
I was also running a project in French Guyana in an Ameridian village where local crafts were used in contemporary houses...
The Elytra Filament Pavilion is the central installation of the Engineering Season at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, which highlights the creative potential of integrated design engineering through a series of exhibitions and events.
CITAstudio Glulam Workshop: September 5-16
A workshop for CITAstudio Masters students to explore the design and fabrication of five speculative glulam blank types, and to move through the design-to-production chain from schematic design to machining connection details.
Experiments 01
Some visual tests, follies, and development snapshots from the last couple of months.