Earthen Shell Seminar May 2017
Seminar ran at IAAC in May 2017- 5 sessions.
Number of participanst: 12
Tutors: Stephanie Chaltiel, Abdullah Ibrahim, Noor El-Gewely
Advisor CFD and Augmented Reality: Angelos Chronis
Special thanks to Maite Bravo (Iaac) for her very rich input in the seminar
External Jury members: Verena Vogler(Mc Neel Europe), Vincent Chavy (Universal Robots Barcelona), Amadeo Monreal (UPC- Mathematics)
This seminar is based on exploring earthn monolithic shells fabrication methods with iterative 3d scanning at different stages of the structures´s deformation. The resulting 3d scans are then used in Rhino to perform some Structural (Karamba) and passive ventilation (Rhino CFD) simulations. The results of the simulations are trasnlated into design features of the earthen shells. In addition, resin robotic pouring has been explored and different finish resulted from varying angle, speed and distance to the surface robotic parameters on Kuka prc software