ESR: Efilena Baseta
INDUSTRIAL PARTNERS: Cloud9 + Blumer Lehmann
Load bearing structures generally show preferred directions for channelling internal forces that depend on geometry and prevailing support conditions (anisotropy). Current material practice does not take advantage of anisotropic material properties. However, anisotropy can be designed by placing oriented fibres in a matrix that glues them together (e.g. wood, bone), introducing small scale geometric modulations (e.g. corrugation) or differentiating material density (e.g. porosity gradient) and are interesting models for material optimisation. This project delivers new methods for simulating anisotropic materials. Finite Element Method (FEM) forms a proven and reliable method for anisotropic simulation. However these are computationally heavy and lack the flexibility to deal with complex geometries efficiently. With a focus on timber lamination, this project will develop new intuitive and light-weight parametric design methods that combine with structural assessment tools allowing design solutions to be optimised in respect to the interrelation between structural geometry, fabrication constraints, production cost and structural performance.
Efilena Baseta
Efilena Baseta is an architect engineer, studied in the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), with a Master degree in Advanced Architecture from the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC). Her interest lies in exploring material behaviors, physically and digitally, in order to create real time responsive structures. Since 2014 Efilena is a partner of Noumena, an… read more
Author: Efilena Baseta
Bend&Block is a material system whose deformation depends on internal geometrical configurations. The aim is to create a structural system that is flexible when it is flat and stiff when it is deformed. This way, curved elements can be easily formed from flat components which bend and block at a predefined configuration, eliminating the... read more
Lecture at University of Bologna: Reversible self-formation process based on geometry-induced variable stiffness structures
Author: Efilena Baseta
On the 7th of June at 15:00 Efilena Baseta will present her research on ‘Reversible self-formation process based on geometry-induced variable stiffness structures’ in the Aula Magna of the School of Engineering and Architecture – University of Bologna . Special thanks to Prof.Ing. Alessio Erioli for the organization of the event. read more
Digital Design & Full Scale Fabrication Course – IoA
Author: Efilena Baseta
CONTROLLED ACTIVE BENDING STRUCTURES “The form is a system which organises itself in the presences of both internal and external forces and these organizations can shape patterns traced through mathematical rules.” D’ Arcy Thompson In this framework, this 5-days course focuses on the creation of controllable, dynamic, active-bending timber structures, using loads as the actuators.... read more