Background behind Phriends4Shells

Background behind Phriends4Shells

The idea of using digital fabrication and more specifically small robots to include in earth construction principles comes from my initial link to CRATerre back in 1999.

I was also running a project in French Guyana in an Ameridian village where local crafts were used in contemporary houses proposals.

The idea of finition by the habitant and the participation of the dweller in its house strated at this point are are now an important point of my Innochain research on marrying small robots and earth architecture in housing construction methods.




Since 2012 I was co directing the AA Visiting School in Lyon and founded the Mud & Digital Lab (

We’ve fabricated by hand and thanks to digital fabrication many large and thin earthen shells – which I now continue evolving with robotic interaction.


AA VS 2015: Chocolate & Other Powders


AA VS 2013 Synchronized Movements


AA VS 2014: Mud, Body and Scripts


